Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Glittery Lights

Who doesn't like glitter?  Nothing says holiday decor like glitter covered items.  Glitter reindeer, glitter Santa, glitter ornaments, glitter stars......glitter EVERYTHING!
Well sometime last year I acquired a little bag of those old fashioned Christmas light bulbs.  Now I don't own a string of Christmas light bulbs (although I do plan on getting my hands on some soon) but I do have a Christmas tree in need of some extra ornaments. 
To make my new bulb ornaments all I needed was a Christmas light bulb, an ornament hook, a bit of glitter glue (or just some glue and glitter), and some pliers to twist the hook onto the bulb. 
After wrapping one of the ends of the ornament hook around the bulb base I had this nifty little ornament. 
So where does the glitter come into play?  On the bulbs of course!  Some of the light bulbs were a bit scratched and really the only way to save them was to cover them up with glitter. 

 Check it out!

Glitter makes everything better!